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iPad as an educational tool for kindergartners? It’s ‘yes’ in Auburn (MD)

15 April 2011 No Comment

Apple’s latest iOS tablet isn’t just for fun or the home and office as the Apple iPad 2 can also be used as a good educational tool, and as such Kindergartners in Auburn, Maine are to get given an Apple iPad 2 to use in the classroom.

According to an article on The Sun Journal, reporter Bonnie Washuk says, “The $200,000 cost for the iPad 2 tablets will be less than hiring more teachers. It probably would take four teachers to do what the computers can do with one teacher.”

Apparently some parents believe that the iOS tablets will make it easier for teachers to teach large groups of children one on one without the need to hire more teachers. Having said that, some are questioning giving the Apple iPad 2 to 5-year olds, with concerns that the kids would drop and break them.

Using the iOS tablets will mean a 5% hike in the school budget is approved in a May 10th referendum. Superintendent Tom Morrill says he would work diligently to pay for the iOS tablets through grants and donations.

Morrill said, “Only if that fails will money in the budget be used. By being first in Maine, and gaining the endorsement of former Gov. Angus King, Auburn has positioned itself well for grant money. The iPads will cost $479 each.”

So what are your views on this matter, is it a good move to give kindergarten kids the use of the Apple iPad 2 or do you believe they are wasting their money by getting 5-year olds to use the device? Will the Apple iPad 2 be a good learning device for kids?

[Via Sun Journal]


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